Well sports fans, it was another series of nail-biters and surprises at the 2005 BC Provincials in Nanaimo.  Dubious tactics, whether intentional or not, were employed.


Provincials started with a 1500-meter long course event with Keith and John next to each other.  This was the long awaited rematch of the titanic struggle in Edmonton 04’ where John snatched a certain well-deserved victory from Keith.  This time, with the two combatants right next to each other, this was the classic head-to-head duel.  Keith swam stupendously - swimming the 1500 in 20:41 sec verses 21:14 last year in Edmonton.  He improved his average pace time by 2.1 seconds per 100m.  John attempted to stay with Keith but was unable to handle the pace.  He improved his M50-54 Canadian record by three seconds from 21:12 to 21:09.


This intrepid reporter understands that the secret weapon Keith employed was the meatball sub that John unwittingly ate just hours prior to swimming this race.  Forced by Keith to go to Quiznos just before the race, the 500 grams of indigestible meat and the BBQ sauce caused burping throughout the race!  That is only excuse we were able to derive from John.  From Keith, we hear he had dreams of grandeur, of being someone much greater than he was.  We understand that Keith imagined that he was Rick Say, and swam with very long imaginary arms for a person of his stature.  Keith also attributed his success to the new Fastskin Legskin he was wearing, and the stroke count workouts during the season.


The next event was the 400 Free.  We had a classic horserace here.  Keith (44) in Lane 2, newcomer Issa Pare (26) of the Navy in Lane 3, Annelle Harmer (37) from the English Bay club in Lane 4, James (51) from Tyee in Lane 5, and John (51) in Lane 6.  This race was a barnburner.  John, after holding the lead for the first 100 meters, was content to hang back pacing James and Annelle.  Less than two seconds separated the pack at the halfway point.  Issa was spent trying to keep up with the pack after 300 meters.  But you had to admit that John felt pretty confident that his well-documented finishing kick would ensure victory over his closest rival in the race James.





100 m

200 m

300 m

400 m

Lane 2







Lane 3







Lane 4







Lane 5







Lane 6







 Click on the photo for a larger version

The lead changed hands numerous times, and then Keith made his move (very briefly) moving ahead of Annelle at about 325 meters.   He thought it was John because she as also wearing an identical black Farmer John Fastskin Neckskin.  But, out of the corner of his eye, he thought he felt the presence of James (aka “The Flipperman”) moving up.  Too late, James made an uncharacteristic move and sprinted a 1:13.45 for the final 100 meters.  Annelle, who prides herself on a pretty good finish, paced to second place with a last 100 of 1:17.17.  Keith tried to match these sprints, but had to settle for third pacing the last hundred at 1:18.93.  John finishes his last 100 at 1:21.07.  Issa, we will save and discuss her 400 at nationals.


This was the much sought after five-person 400-meter race. The winner being the much unheralded “Flipperman” James Marshall.  Hopefully next year, Tony, Julie Barnes, and Roger Barron, as well as Keith’s younger brother James will make this an 8-lane ‘no holds barred’ race heat.


It appears that the lack of sleep caused by Keith’s incessant snoring may have been an inhibiting factor in the last 100 meters for John.  John has vowed that he will never share a room with the SNOREMEISTER Kendal again!  Keith figures John is way-way-way too light of a sleeper, and categorically denies snoring excessively.  He figured that the meatball residue still lingered in John’s system, plus the lack of a warm up is largely the reason for his final 100 in the 400m race.

  Click on the photo for a larger version

The next event was the 100 Free.  Both combatants turned in so-so performances in the 1:07 range, with Keith winning the race by 0.3 seconds. 1:07.5 to 1:07.88.  They both then swam a so-so 200 IM not worth mentioning.  They also competed in a 100 Back, and this photo to the left shows Keith with a small lead heading into the turn.  John can be seen across the pool with his arm straight up.


Sunday morning saw another horserace in the 200 Free.  This time, the one trick pony, Flipperman James Marshall wisely decides to pass on this event.  John tried to get sleep and finally gave up and barged into the Head Coach Tony Zezza’s room only to find out that Zezza doesn’t sleep at night.


As can be seen sport fans, John decided not to be the first out of the gate, and wisely held back, letting Keith make the opening move and take the lead.  John was in a heck of a race to the finish bowing to ‘beauty and youth’ and graciously conceded victory to Annelle.  Annelle came out of the race and stated to the Navy swimmers (and Keith the quasi-Navy Swimmer) “You guys gotta give me your Email address so we can match up our times for next season and do these races again!”  You’re on Annelle! 





100 m

200 m

Lane 2





Lane 3





Lane 4





Lane 6






 John and Keith are not going to take losing lightly, so we will redouble our efforts.  We will look into our inner selves, our self-doubts, John will figure out how to get his stroke count down in work out, and Keith (after his disastrous lack of legs at Nationals) vows to actually train his legs as well for the finishes of these races!  James Flipperman Marshall better watch out next season!!!!


The last race of Provincials was the 50 Free.  Keith was matched up against the 66-year-old Jack Kelso.  Kelso took a commanding lead by the 25-meter mark probably a half a body length.  Keith fought back, but to no avail, finishing at 30.05 to Kelso’s 29.96.  John beat both of their times in his heat with a 29.79.  We know that Keith beat John the last time they matched up by 1/100th of a second in this event.  But this has been a race that John pretty well has sewn up on Kendal, winning by sizeable amounts.  What you gonna do about that Kendal?????